Welcome to
John Muir
Elementary Foundation
JMEF Mission
Provide funds to enrich, maintain, and expand access to educational programs for all John Muir Elementary School students, with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Music.
To benefit our students and staff by funding activities not supported by tax dollars in a way that promotes cultural inclusivity and eliminates resource gaps between the lowest and highest performing students.
To help us foster creative approaches to education through innovative grants and student scholarships
To increase private support for educational activities at John Muir Elementary School
To increase parent involvement at our school
Since 2015, we’ve raised more than $120,000 to support our school. We have:
Founded the STEM for LIFE garden, an organic learning garden on the playground with our partners from the nonprofit Enrich LA
Provided MIKE (Music Is Key to Education) music classes as part of the regular curriculum for all TK – 3rd grade students
Obtained a $5,000 library grant through the Laura Bush Foundation
Subsidized after-school robotics, dance classes, and more and more for K-6 students
Introduced students to opera in school through classes with singers from the Pacific Opera Project
Created school-wide Art Day and cultural events
Funded Chromebooks for classrooms
Our 2023-24 Fundraising GoalsGrow our garden sponsorships
Seek grants to award teachers and students who excel
Raise awareness within the school and the wider community about our programs and attract more parents
Continue funding the MIKE music program
Build on after school enrichment programs

Your support helps!
Meet the 2024-2025 Foundation Board
Willow Voytko
Paul Austad
Vice President
Elizabeth Todd
Jill Howard
Rebecca Milla
Asst. Treasurer/Marketing/Social Media
Helen Lynn
Dining Fundraiser Coordinator
Alex Fay
Garden Liaison/Business Promotion
Taleen Petrossians
Teacher Liaison
Helen Lynn
Music Program Coordinator
Matt Wilcott
Member At-Large
Bronwen Bateman
Member At-Large
Ani Tolmoyan
Member At-Large
Mariam Arabyan
Member At-Large
Vanessa Delaine
Member At-Large